Management SQLite store

In NetBird, the Management system traditionally relies on JSON file storage.

SQLite entity relationship diagram

For a high-level overview of the SQLite schema, refer to the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) below:


Using SQLite for fresh installations

As of version 0.24.0, the default configuration for fresh installations is JSON file storage. However, users have the option to leverage the benefits of SQLite for new instances. To enable SQLite, add to your setup.env the following variable:


This will result in a configuration similar to the following in your management.json file:

    "StoreConfig": {
        "Engine": "sqlite"

You can switch back to JSON file storage by setting the NETBIRD_STORE_CONFIG_ENGINE variable to jsonfile.

Migrating from JSON store to SQLite store

This migration process allows users to seamlessly transition between storage options while maintaining data integrity. Ensure that you are running the commands described below after upgrading to version 0.24.0 or later.

Migration commands

Starting from version 0.24.0, NetBird Management provides a subcommand to facilitate migration to SQLite. This command is part of the binary shipped within the official docker image.

$ docker compose exec management /go/bin/netbird-mgmt sqlite-migration

This will produce an output similar to:

Contains sub-commands to perform JSON file store to SQLite store migration and rollback

  netbird-mgmt sqlite-migration [command]

Available Commands:
  downgrade   Rollback SQLite store to JSON file store. Please make a backup of the SQLite file before running this command.
  upgrade     Migrate JSON file store to SQLite store. Please make a backup of the JSON file before running this command.

      --datadir string   server data directory location (default "/var/lib/netbird/")
  -h, --help             help for sqlite-migration

Global Flags:
      --log-file string    sets Netbird log path. If console is specified the the log will be output to stdout (default "/var/log/netbird/management.log")
      --log-level string   (default "info")

Use "netbird-mgmt sqlite-migration [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Follow these steps for migration:

To migrate from JSON file store to SQLite, follow these steps:

  1. After accessing the path that contains your docker-compose.yml and management.json files, stop the NetBird Management service.
  docker compose stop management
  1. Backup your data store (store.json in datadir - default "/var/lib/netbird/").
  mkdir backup
  docker compose cp -a management:/var/lib/netbird/ backup/
  1. Start NetBird Management service:
  docker compose start management
  1. Run the migration to SQLite subcommand:
  docker compose exec management /go/bin/netbird-mgmt sqlite-migration upgrade --log-file console
  1. Enable SQLite by updating the management.json file and setting the Engine field to sqlite as the following example:
    "StoreConfig": {
        "Engine": "sqlite"
  1. Restart the Management service.
  docker compose restart management
  1. Check logs to confirm the store switch:
  docker compose logs management

You should see an entry similar to:

2023-10-19T18:55:29Z INFO management/server/store.go:75: using SQLite store engine

Rollback to JSON file store

To rollback to the JSON file store, follow these steps:

  1. After accessing the path that contains your docker-compose.yml and management.json files, stop the NetBird Management service.
  docker compose stop management
  1. Backup your data store (store.db in datadir - default "/var/lib/netbird/").
  mkdir backup
  docker compose cp -a management:/var/lib/netbird/ backup/
  1. Start NetBird Management service:
  docker compose start management
  1. Run the migration to SQLite subcommand:
  docker compose exec management /go/bin/netbird-mgmt sqlite-migration downgrade --log-file console
  1. Enable JSON file by updating the management.json file and setting the Engine field to jsonfile as the following example:
    "StoreConfig": {
        "Engine": "jsonfile"
  1. Restart the Management service.
  docker compose restart management
  1. Check logs to confirm the store switch:
  docker compose logs management

You should see an entry similar to:

2023-10-19T18:55:29Z INFO management/server/store.go:72: using JSON file store engine