Running NetBird on serverless environments (FaaS)

Function as a Service (FaaS) is a cloud computing model where developers deploy small, specific-purpose code functions, managed by a cloud provider. FaaS environments, however, impose restrictions like limited access to the system's root, kernel, and network stack, crucial for security in shared cloud infrastructure.

Since v0.25.3, NetBird enables secure connectivity and access from serverless functions like AWS lambda and Azure Functions to cloud or on-premises servers, containers, databases, and other internal resources. NetBird has adapted to the constraints of FaaS environments by leveraging netstack from the gVisor Go package, which is part of Wireguard-go, enabling the WireGuard stack to run entirely in userspace. This approach circumvents the typical need for network or kernel-level access.

How to enable netstack mode?

You can enable the netstack mode for the NetBird client using environment variables:

NB_USE_NETSTACK_MODE: Set to true to enable netstack mode. (Default: false) NB_SOCKS5_LISTENER_PORT: Set the port where the Socks5 proxy listens. (Default: 1080)

With these variables, NetBird will launch a Socks5 proxy that you can use to connect to your internal resources.

Running locally

netbird up -F


Some container environments can be restricted as well. For example, Docker containers are not allowed to create new VPN interfaces by default. For that reason, you can run a NetBird agent in a standard mode to enable the netstack mode:

docker run --rm --name PEER_NAME --hostname PEER_NAME -d \
-e NB_SETUP_KEY=<SETUP KEY> -e NB_USE_NETSTACK_MODE=true -e  NB_SOCKS5_LISTENER_PORT=1080 -v netbird-client:/etc/netbird netbirdio/netbird:latest

This is useful when you want to configure a simple routing peer without adding privileged permissions or linux capabilities.

How to use the SOCKS5 proxy?

Once you have the agent running in netstack mode, you need to configure your application to use the SOCKS5 proxy. The following is an example of a python 3 application:

import socks
import socket
import os
def Example():
    socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, "", int(os.getenv('NB_SOCKS5_LISTENER_PORT', '1080')))
    socket.socket = socks.socksocket
    # rest of the code...

How to use NetBird in FaaS environments?

Cloud providers like AWS and Azure, allow you to configure custom runtime environments for their function services, in AWS this is called Lambda Layers, and in Azure, it's called containerized Azure Functions.

There are many ways that you can configure these environments with NetBird's client binary. We have created a simple example using containerized Azure Functions, which you can find Azure functions python db access example .