Install with one command
curl -fsSL | sh
- Add the repository:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg -y
curl -sSL | sudo gpg --dearmor --output /usr/share/keyrings/netbird-archive-keyring.gpg
echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/netbird-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/netbird.list
- Update APT's cache
sudo apt-get update
- Install the package
# for CLI only
sudo apt-get install netbird
# for GUI package
sudo apt-get install netbird-ui
RPM/Red hat/Amazon Linux 2
- Add the repository:
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/netbird.repo <<EOF
- Install the package
# for CLI only
sudo yum install netbird
# for GUI package
sudo yum install libappindicator-gtk3 libappindicator netbird-ui
Fedora/Amazon Linux 2023
- Create the repository file:
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/netbird.repo <<EOF
- Import the file
#Fedora 40 or earlier/Amazon Linux 2023** (DNF 4)
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo /etc/yum.repos.d/netbird.repo
#Fedora 41 or later (DNF 5)
sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile=/etc/yum.repos.d/netbird.repo
- Install the package
# for CLI only
sudo dnf install netbird
# for GUI package
sudo dnf install libappindicator-gtk3 libappindicator netbird-ui
On some recent releases, the default behaviour for libappindicator
was changed, so we need to install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator
and enable it:
sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator`
sudo gnome-extensions enable
Under X11, you may need to restart GNOME Shell (Alt+F2, r, ⏎) after that. Under Wayland you need to logout and login again.
- Add the repository:
sudo zypper addrepo netbird
- Install the package / GPG key
- Key Fingerprint:
AA9C 09AA 9DEA 2F58 112B 40DF DFFE AB2F D267 A61F
- Key ID:
- Email:
# MicroOS (immutable OS with selinux)
transactional-update pkg in netbird
# Tumbleweed / Leap
zypper in netbird
NixOS 22.11+/unstable
- Edit your
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
services.netbird.enable = true; # for netbird service & CLI
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.netbird-ui ]; # for GUI
- Build and apply new configuration
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
Install with one command
curl -fsSL | sh
Package install
- Download the latest MacOS release installer for your processor:
- Intel: Download NetBird for Intel
- M1 & M2: Download NetBird for Apple Silicon
If you require an older version checkout NetBird releases
- Proceed with the installation steps
- This will install the NetBird app into /Applications and add the daemon service
- After installing, you can follow the steps from Running NetBird with SSO Login steps.
To uninstall the client remove the app from /Applications
Homebrew install
- Download and install homebrew at
- If netbird was previously installed with homebrew, you will need to run:
# Stop and uninstall daemon service:
sudo netbird service stop
sudo netbird service uninstall
# unlink the app
brew unlink netbird
netbird will copy any existing configuration from the netbird's default configuration paths to the new NetBird's default location
- Install the client
# for CLI only
brew install netbirdio/tap/netbird
# for GUI package
brew install --cask netbirdio/tap/netbird-ui
- If you installed CLI only, you need to install and start the client daemon service:
sudo netbird service install
sudo netbird service start
- Download the latest Windows release:
- Execute the installer and proceed with the installation steps
- This will install the UI client in the
C:\Program Files\NetBird
and add the daemon service - After installing, you can follow the steps from Running NetBird with SSO Login.
To uninstall the client and service, you can use Add/Remove programs
Install with one command
curl -fsSL | sh
For NetBird to work on Synology after a reboot, you need to run this script every time you reboot your NAS. To automate this process, you can create a scheduled task in the Synology DSM.
# Create the necessary file structure for /dev/net/tun
if [ ! -c /dev/net/tun ]; then
if [ ! -d /dev/net ]; then
mkdir -m 755 /dev/net
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
chmod 0755 /dev/net/tun
# Load the tun module if not already loaded
if !(lsmod | grep -q "^tun\s"); then
insmod /lib/modules/tun.ko
NetBird has an official Android application that you can download at Google Play Store:
NetBird has an official iOS application that you can download from the App Store:
Binary Install
Installation from binary (CLI only)
- Checkout NetBird releases
- Download the latest release:
curl -L -o ./netbird_<VERSION>.tar.gz<VERSION>/netbird_<VERSION>_<OS>_<Arch>.tar.gz
You need to replace some variables from the URL above:
- Replace VERSION with the latest released version.
- Replace OS with "linux", "darwin" for MacOS or "windows"
- Replace Arch with your target system CPU architecture
- Decompress
tar xzf ./netbird_<VERSION>.tar.gz
sudo mv netbird /usr/bin/netbird
sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/netbird
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/netbird
After that you may need to add /usr/bin in your PATH environment variable:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin
- Install and run the service
sudo netbird service install
sudo netbird service start
Running NetBird with SSO Login
Desktop UI Application
If you installed the Desktop UI client, you can launch it and click on Connect.
It will open your browser, and you will be prompt for email and password. Follow the instructions.
Alternatively, you could use command line. Simply run
netbird up
It will open your browser, and you will be prompt for email and password. Follow the instructions.
Check connection status:
netbird status
Running NetBird with a Setup Key
In case you are activating a server peer, you can use a setup key as described in the steps below.
This is especially helpful when you are running multiple server instances with infrastructure-as-code tools like ansible and terraform.
- Login to the Management Service. You need to have a
setup key
in hand (see setup keys).
For all systems:
netbird up --setup-key <SETUP KEY>
For Docker, you can run with the following command:
docker run --network host --privileged --rm -d -e NB_SETUP_KEY=<SETUP KEY> -v netbird-client:/etc/netbird netbirdio/netbird:<TAG>
TAG > 0.6.0 version
Alternatively, if you are hosting your own Management Service provide --management-url
property pointing to your Management Service:
netbird up --setup-key <SETUP KEY> --management-url http://localhost:33073
You could also omit the
property. In this case, the tool will prompt for the key.
- Check connection status:
netbird status
- Check your IP:
On macOS :
sudo ifconfig utun100
On Linux:
ip addr show wt0
On Windows:
netsh interface ip show config name="wt0"
Running NetBird in Docker
environment variable and run the command.
You can pass other settings as environment variables. See Environment variables for details.
NetBird makes use of eBPF and raw sockets, therefore to guarantee the client software functionality, we recommend adding the flags --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN
and --cap-add=SYS_RESOURCE
for docker clients.
The experience may vary depending on the docker daemon, operating system, or kernel version.
docker run --rm --name PEER_NAME --hostname PEER_NAME --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_RESOURCE -d -e NB_SETUP_KEY=<SETUP KEY> -v netbird-client:/etc/netbird netbirdio/netbird:latest
See Docker example for details.
If you are using self-hosted version and haven't specified
, the client app will use the default URL which is
. -
If you have specified a wrong
(e.g., just by mistake when self-hosting) to override it you can do the following:
netbird down
netbird up --management-url https://<CORRECT HOST:PORT>/
To override it see the solution #1 above.
If your NetBird client was installed through a package manager, use that to update. If you used the one-command script to install, you can follow this to update:
netbird down
curl -fsSLO
chmod +x
./ --update
netbird up